Mensagem da Profa. Carol C. Kuhlthau aos vencedores

“I am pleased to hear that there are seven people receiving the Carol Kuhlthau Award this year. School libraries bring life and excitement to schools. At the Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (Cissl) at Rutgers University, our studies show that school libraries play an important role in improving student learning. Effective school libraries enhance the learning environment of the school. Your work is making a significant contribution to the education of your children in the 21st century. I congratulate each of you for your wonderful work to bring libraries for learning to the children of Brazil”.

October 10th, 2007

Carol C. Kuhlthau
Professor II Emerita
Library and Information Science
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
Rutgers University
Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL)

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